Succeed On Our Own

A mother of four young children recently reminded me that a primary task of parents is to teach children to get along without them, to succeed on their own, to develop skills so that they can take care of themselves, interact well with others, develop talents, solve problems, and achieve goals.  I wonder if the […]

She Sat So He Could Stand

On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man and was arrested because state law dictated her to do so.  She was a seamstress and worked hard all day; she was tired.  But not so tired physically; she was more tired spiritually—tired of giving […]

Inexplicable Irish

A group of friends I know happen to be pretty good singers.  They discovered this reality one night at a new south Kansas City bar, Corner Cocktail, some forty-five years ago.  One of them was forced by his dear mother to sing in a church choir because, as she said, we should use our talents […]