Rock Foundation

I will be going back to college this summer.  And not just any college—but the one I attended forty years ago, where I was formed in faith and received a solid education, where I heard about other famous rocks: the Rock of Gibraltar, Plymouth Rock, Knute Rockne, Rocky Balboa, Rock-n-Roll, and Peter-the rock upon which our church was built.  Going back to Rockhurst will be a good reminder to me that learning and growth are a continual part of traveling life’s journey as we build upon the foundation others have laid for us. 

The position I am taking there involves mission and ministry: mission of the Gospel and ministry of the church, mission of Companions of Jesus and ministry of outreach.  It will connect with Pope Francis’ challenge to immerse ourselves in a “culture of encounter” in Kansas City’s core; it will advance Bishop Johnston’s diocesan vision for healing in our local church and evangelizing in the inner city; and it will, I pray, carry on Father Tom Curran’s example of accompaniment of one another as Christ accompanies us.

Father Curran’s dedication to students who make their way into the world as men and women for others has been inspiring to Kansas City over the past sixteen years that he served as president of Rock U; his impact has been profound.  I pray that we can, together, keep his missionary spirit going strong as a testament to him and those who, over the past 112 years, have built such a rock-solid educational and spiritual construct around 53rd Street and Troost Avenue.  His sense of servant-leadership challenges us to become better people and better Christians.  I am excited to re-enter college and re-enter urban places where I was formed as a priest in hope that we, the Rockhurst Family, can make a positive difference in the heart of our metropolitan area by getting to the heart of religious faith that involves care and concern for the least among us.

 Though my impending job lacks shape at this time, it will involve strengthening connections: between the diocese and the university, between the campus and surrounding neighborhoods, between students and other people of good will, between those east and west of Troost, between the powerful and the powerless, between those at the center and those marginalized by church or society, between those who have talents or time to share and those who might benefit from them.  The Kansas City area is filled with Catholics and others who want to transform their faith into action and do their part to build up the city of God here on earth.  I hope to be an agent that assists them.

An ole proverb states: “Where the need is the greatest, our response should be the strongest.”  I am grateful to Father Curran for inviting me to help continue his good works and to Bishop Johnston for allowing it to happen.  They know that parish churches have traditionally been the center of life-in-Christ but more and more, and for various reasons, people seek alternative places to live out our calling as God’s people, even in the cathedral of the streets.  In addition to working at Rockhurst University, I will serve Saint Therese Little Flower and Saint James Parishes, as well as work with other churches and agencies of faith and justice in the city’s epicenter of need. 

Though I do not know what the road ahead holds, I step onto it filled with gratitude for the opportunity to live out my priesthood in a very meaningful way trusting that the Good Lord will lead us by the right path.  I look forward to assisting other learners discover a solid foundation of faith upon which they, too, can build.

34 thoughts on “Rock Foundation

  1. Fr. Don, I wish the very best to you in your new venture.  You have been an asset to St. Charles and we will be forever grateful.  I look forward to your last month at St. Charles with joy and with sorrowful.  Sorrow that you are leaving but joy that you will continue your ministry with an assignment that seems to be right up your alley. It has been a pleasure having you as our pastor and I will miss you. Faithfully, Margaret Dale


  2. Congrats on your move back to the Rock. Your efforts at St Charles have been fruitful and much appreciated. You (and your blog) will be missed but we understand your path is changing. Faith in Christ! Jim & Sue Petesch


  3. So proud of you and proud of Father Tom and Bishop Johnson to take this leap of faith! You have a gift… one they recognized to make things happen for the greater good.


  4. Fr Don,
    This sounds like a perfect fit. I see only positive results in this journey. As Fred would say; “And all if this came true
    Because of men with dreams
    Who were JUST PASSIN THRU”

    We are all grateful for your prayers and sacrifices.
    Thanks Rita Bukaty


  5. Fr. Don: We are sooooo sad to see you leave SCBA, but you are without a doubt perfectly suited for this next challenge. RU is extremely blessed to have you!

    You will be missed! Best to you,
    The Millers


  6. Fr. Don, you are so gifted and talented! How exciting to be able to create a role that uses all of your talents! You are going to make a wonderful impact on entire communities of people. While you will be terribly missed, we’re excited to see what you’ll bring to your new opportunity ❤️ We hope to still see you at your favorite restaurant, let us know the next time you plan on coming in!


  7. May blessings continue to abound in your life and the lives you serve as they have here at St Charles. Thank you for service. I will especially miss your homilies and prayer… Maybe you will do something like this and send us a link!!


  8. Ah, to hear God calling and have the courage to follow. Your leadership by example inspires me. I look forward to continuing to hear from you. Continued blessing. In sincere gratitude. FM


  9. Don,
    Im excited for you as you embark on this new journey. I know your sad to leave St. Charles but what a wonderful job you did in transforming that parish into a vibrant community. Please feel free to call upon me anytime in your new position. I am so grateful that you have always been there for our family, and I will always be there for you. I love your servant leadership and even though you don’t know the road ahead I’m confident that God is leading you down the right path. Hopefully we can get you up to Lake Viking soon.
    Your friend and follower.


  10. Fr Don – so happy to hear this news – I know you will be a light in the community and at Rockhurst! Best of luck to you!

    Donna Schnieders


  11. Father Don, you will be extremely missed by each parishioner, because after your homily’s everyone is in “aweee”. Thank you for giving St. Charles the Best Leadership & Guidance from your heart. Thank you for your kindness and caring to ALL. I wish you the best in coming years.


  12. Congratulations on your new post! We look forward to seeing you more often…you will be a wonderful addition to Rockhurst and the surrounding community! Father Thomas has big shoes to fill at St. Charles but he will do it! Blessings, Carole and Lee Hillestad

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  13. Fr. Don, God IS with you!
    You are yet another bright thread in my tapestry of life that binds all that I am. Thank you


  14. They are fortunate to be inheriting such a caring and talented Priest. You will be greatly missed. However, I know God’s got big things in store for you and all those you will encounter on your new journey.
    God bless;
    Marilyn Gibson


  15. What an amazing opportunity! This is a perfect fit for you talents and gifts as a priest. Can’t wait to see all of the wonderful things that will happen.
    Julie Lobb


  16. Dear Father, I have no doubt that the parishioners of St Charles B are sadden with the news of your transfer to Rockhurst University. It is obvious that you have rejuvenated the church, installed a strong Catholic education, and became part of their family. And like your transfers in the past, I can’t imagine how difficult it is to leave a parish.

    Your move to Rockhurst is a substantial opportunity for the young adults of KC! One would never doubt that you will inspire the students to be true disciples of God. What a wonderful gift!

    My prayers are for you, the people in which you served in the past and for the students at Rockhurst University.

    God bless you, Karen Lundgren

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  17. You brought me back to the faith and was there when I needed you. May God bless you in your new endeavor… You will make a difference wherever you go .. you was the first person that came when my son was In Hospice last November.


  18. My heartfelt congratulations are with you in this new chapter. An entire new world is opening with so many opportunities for growth and accomplishments in a new leadership. Thank you for your hard work and visions that helped STM and St. Charles over the last 16 years. I am on your team🙏🏼


  19. Fr. Don: “Keep it or give it away”. You have given away so many of God’s Blessings. He has blessed you with so many talents and you have distributed them wherever you go. Rockhurst is truly blessed to receive you in whatever capacity you are asked to serve. I would wish you “good luck” in your endeavors but there is no “luck” in what you do.
    May God continue to bestow on you the graces you need to continue your work.


  20. What a great opportunity and blessing for Rockhurst! We now live in and attend St. Francis parish so we’ll hope to see you there from time to time!


  21. I am so excited for you and the people of Rockhurst and the surrounding area. We Love you and your teachings of our Faith Father Don. Thank the Good Lord for giving us you. Love Linda Neenan


  22. We are just learning of your new assignment. We know you will do great things at Rockhurst. You will be greatly missed at St. Charles. We have only been at St. Charles 4 1/2 years and have been so happy to have had you as our pastor. God be with you on your new path.


  23. Congradulations! This is right up your alley. Those at Little Flower will be glad to see you as well as St James. Dealing with all those young RU students will keep your mind sharp and giddy up in your step.
    Mike & Linda


  24. Father Fon so sad that you are leaving St. Charles but thrilled you will be at Rockhurst. I hope you will come and see us in the Athletic Department. God be with you as you start your new journey.
    Cheryl Mingrone


  25. Blessings to you. It will be stimulating for both you and your students.Barbara McGrath, MD

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  26. Sorry to have you leave my daughters church and I have so benefited from your sermons and other events you caused to happen at St Charles thank you for your dedication and motivational sermons. Nannette Wolford

    Sent from my iPhone



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